Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Lunch with Bonita

We are in the fourth week of our 12-week Challenge. By now you should be seeing some significant changes, if you have been following the program. If you are not seeing the results that you thought you would at this point and you have been doing everything exactly as you have been instructed to, please let us know so that we can make some adjustments. If you have been freestyling a little bit, you still have time to get back on track!

This Friday, April 25th we will have our first lunchtime workout with Bonita. We will meet at the Daughtery Bowling Center in Fort Leonard Wood at noon. The session will run approximately 40 minutes allowing for plenty enough time to shower either across the street at Davidson Fitness Center or at your office if applicable.

To those who are not in the Challenge don’t get left behind! Why not join today? There is plenty of time left. We look forward to continuing to assist you in reaching your goals.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Challenge: something that by its nature or character serves as a call to battle, contest, and/or special effort

What a wonderful turn out we had last night! The energy was fantastic and it seemed as if everyone was truly giving it their best. It was also nice to see some of the new faces, hopefully they will continue to join us as we all reach to obtain our own physical fitness goals. To the ones that have been out for a while, welcome back!

Just a reminder that everyone that is participating in the Challenge will have the opportunity to have an extended class this evening. Please do not view the additional set as an option. You joined the Challenge for a reason and we are here to help you succeed… but you have to make the sacrifice to do so. A Challenge is something that you can’t do easily and at times may not be comfortable. You have to strive to push yourself when you think that you have nothing left to give. Our hopes are that at the end of the Challenge (June 30th) you have reached your personal best and continue to live fit, free and fantastically!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Making it happen

The Challenge is in effect and going strong! Several of you did your weigh-ins on Monday and are seeing positive results. We would like to congratulate those that are sticking to the program and reaping the benefits. We would also like to encourage those that may not be doing so well to take full advantage of the program. If your meal plan is not working out for you please let us know so that we can do some adjustments. We are here to assist you in achieving your fitness goals, but we need your help, commitment and drive in bringing it all to fruition. There is still plenty of space and time available to join the Challenge. Stop by today to reserve your spot!

We will be having an additional 30 minutes of class on this Thursday, April 16th for all Challenger participants immediately following our regularly scheduled aerobics class.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Saturday's class

Do not forget that our first Saturday class for participants of the Challenge will be held tomorrow at 10am. We will meet at Freedom Fitness Center and proceed from there. We are excited about the additional classes and know that they will benefit you in your fitness goals. If you haven’t signed up for the Challenge, but still want to participate you can join Monday through Friday from 5:30pm to 6:30pm (or tomorrow, April 4th). The cost is $100 for the 12-week Challenge and does not include the monthly fees for the aerobics classes, currently only $25 per month. Make yourself a priority in your life and start feeling fit, free and fantastic!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Saturday, April 4 at 10am

Participating in the challenge? Then you know that our goal is to complete a total transformation on your lifestyle. This includes eating properly and having a proper fitness regime. To assist you in achieving your goals we will hold our first (weather permitting) off-site class. We will meet at Freedom Fitness Center and proceed from there. We are asking that you arrive early so that we are able to complete the entire routine that we have planned. If you are not a challenge participant yet, what are you waiting for? There is plenty of space and most importantly support available. Stop by Freedom Fitness Center to sign up today!

Share your experience

Found a new recipe? Remedy to your throbbing joints? This is your forum to share with everyone what is or is not working for you and to receive tips on what might work a little better.