Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Work it!

What a wonderful day to continue to reach for your fitness goals. Some of those that have been participating in the Challenge have reached very visible milestones. Congratulations go out to Gayle who has lost 10 lbs! I know that there are several more of you who have the same remarkable results (we can see them), so please share! Not only will it motivate you, but it will motivate your peers as well.

Tina will be teaching class again tonight, so get ready for some sports conditioning and some strong core work! You never know what she is going to bring to the table, but you better believe it is going to be a great session!

There is still a month and a half left in the Fitness Challenge. If you have not joined yet you have plenty of time; and for those of you who are not seeing your maximum results, you have time to turn things around!

As always, we are here to help you help yourself to become a better you!